1.1: Lock and unlock from anywhere, anytime by just a click of a button. (Ref Image: 1.1)
1.2: Receive instant notifications when a package is delivered. (Ref Image:1.1)
1.3: Internal camera shows what got delivered inside DoorBox. (Ref Image: 1.3)
1.4: External camera show who delivered the package. (Ref Image: 1.3)
1.5: On-demand feature allows you to receive images from internal and external cameras anytime, on-demand. (Ref Image: 1.2)
1.6: Activate or deactivate in-built alarm in emergency situations. (Ref Image: 1.2)
1.7: Motion sensor captures anyone approaching DoorBox. (Ref Image: 1.2)
1.8: View Wi-Fi strength at Doorbox anytime. (Ref Image: 1.2)
1.9: View remaining battery percentage at anytime. (Ref Image: 1.2)
1.10: View temperature inside DoorBox. (Ref Image: 1.2)
1.11: Set or reset 3 different passwords instantly. (Ref Image: 1.2)
1.12: View 3 prior months of images from internal and external cameras.
1.13: Add, delete or modify any number of additional mobile application users to access your DoorBox.
1.14: Add, delete or modify profile or access information of any user any time.
1.15: Set or modify your notification preferences.
1.16: Create support ticket for your DoorBox to resolve your issues.